Do Cats Scare Snakes? Can Cats Keep Snakes Away?

Cats are excellent hunters, and they are much better at it than we give them credit for. Cats are actually natural predators of snakes in many areas in the world, and they have been used for thousands of years by farmers to keep rodents under control.

But what about today? do today’s cats do the same thing as they did thousands of years ago in our urban environments?

In other words; do cats scare snakes? Cats do scare snakes because cats hunt, kill, and even eat snakes, and snakes will try to avoid going somewhere if it senses a large cat, but you should not count on your cat to keep snakes away and should do your best to prevent snakes from getting to your house because snakes can also harm or kill cats

In this article, we are going to discuss why exactly do snakes fear cats, how to protect your cat and house from snakes, and what to do in case of a snake bite, so stick around as we discuss all you need to know to keep your kitty safe…

Do Cats Scare Snakes?

cat killing snakes to answer do cats scare snakes and can cats keep snakes away

Snakes are naturally frightened of cats, and if they can, will avoid them. If a cat attacks a snake and he or she is unable to flee, the snake becomes defensive and resorts to hissing, tail shaking, raising up on hind legs, or striking.

The ability of a cat to move quickly and strike causes it to be frightening for a snake.

The smell and movements of a snake will trigger a cat’s instincts to hunt and kill the snakes, and cats are very good at detecting the snakes even when they can’t see them. You can learn how do cats sense snakes (without even seeing them) here.

Additionally, the stench of cat urine may repel snakes in much the same way as the pungent scent does rodents. Cats and snakes are both seen as predators that hunt similar types of animals, making them rivals.

Are Cats afraid of snakes?

No, cats do not fear snakes. Cats do hunt and kill snakes for food; their instinct is to attack them which makes it possible for a cat’s presence to scare away the snake before they come into contact with each other.

Cats and snakes are natural enemies, but in this case, the cat is the predator and the snake is the prey, so it’s the snake that fears the cat, not the other way around.

Do Cats attack snakes?

Yes, cats attack snakes and hunt them. Sometimes cats will attack snakes and hunt them for food, and other times for fun.

Cats are very good at what they do, and sometimes they will kill snakes just to play with their dead bodies like they would with a toy. Your cat doesn’t look so cute and innocent now, does it?

Do cats kill snakes?

Yes, cats do kill snakes. Cats are natural predators of snakes, and they have been used by farmers to keep rodents under control for thousands of years.

In our urban environments today, cats still kill snakes as a way to protect their territory and themselves.

How do cats attack and kill snakes?

Cats hunt snakes by bouncing on the snakes and using their sharp claws to slash and pierce the snake’s asking.

Snakes fight back by striking the cat, but cats are often fast enough to be able to respond to the snake’s strike by hitting its head mid-way and then bouncing on the snake before biting the snake on its head, twisting or breaking the neck and paralyzing the snake completely.

The cat may then decide to kill the snake right away or just play with it and let the snake die a rather painful death. As many cat owners can testify, cats can be quite cruel like that.

The cat may then decide to play with the snake’s dead body like a robe toy or chew and nibble on it. A cat will rarely consume the whole snake.

The dangers of snakes on cats

Cats are not scared of snakes and will confront one if necessary, but they remain in significant peril. They’re merely a few of the reasons why:

The Snake could eat your cat

Some snakes are large enough that they may look at your cat like prey and not predator. Some snakes are quite large, especially the snake of southeast Asia, and those can easily devour animals larger than cats.

It’s unlikely for cats to encounter a wild one of those unless you live in one of those places, but, unfortunately, some people do bring them as pets into the US, and these snakes can escape.

The snake may bite the cat

A snake may be aggressively attacked by a cat, and the latter will avoid it if possible, but if cornered, provoked, or irritated, it will retaliate with a bite or fatally harm a cat.

Remember that All snakes bite, no matter how friendly, small, or tame you think the snake is. This includes pet snakes as well.

The snake can infect the cat with something fatal

There are roughly 600 species of poisonous snakes, and at least 200 are considered extremely deadly. Even if the venomous variety kills a cat in minutes, a cat may be destroyed by a nonvenomous snake nonetheless. Its bites can still induce big problems even if the creature isn’t poisonous.

How to tell if your cat has been bitten by a snake

Snakes can and do bite cats, resulting in significant damage. Even while cats may attack snakes, they will defend themselves when cornered, irritated, or provoked.

Cats can get snakebites, whether poisonous or not, and they might result in wounds or infections. The strike or the fangs may also rib an organ or cause something else serious.

Some poisonous snakes have a venom that is so potent that can kill a snake within minutes of striking.

Here are the symptoms of poisoning in cats according to the RSPCA:

  • Blood in Urine
  • Twitches
  • Eyes blinking
  • Difficulty breathing normally
  • Weakness
  • Dilated pupils
  • Loss of bladder and/or bowel control
  • In extreme cases, paralysis and sudden collapse.

What to do if a snake bites your cat?

If a venomous snake has bitten your feline, they must go to the veterinarian right away. The species of the snake is one crucial piece of information that can greatly help the vet give the cat the right medical treatment.

The best thing would be to take a photo of the snake if you could, but if that’s not possible, then you should try to give a description that is as detailed as possible about the snake.

Carry your cat and rush it to the vet. Do not let it move a lot as this will accelerate the spread of the venom in its body.

Your Goal is to Bring your cat to the vet immediately without any delay.

How to keep snakes away from your house (and cat)

You may take measures to avoid snakes on your own property rather than risking your cat being injured by one or becoming ill after eating one. In my view, this is less hazardous than hoping your cat can deal with the snakes or even kill them.

Keep the Grass Short

Maintain your lawn throughout the summer as it grows. This will deter snakes. What is the reason? Long grass gives snakes the concealment they enjoy.

When grass is limited, snakes cannot travel freely without attracting attention from predators. It will also help you identify them before putting your foot on one!

Don’t Leave water outside

Snakes are attracted to water, so if you have any more accessible water sources on your property, get rid of them. This implies cleaning up any damp places, such as tarps where water might accumulate or a children’s paddling pool.

Maintain the Yard as Clean As possible

Snakes like to hang out in filthy areas, and unclean conditions attract them. If you have garbage strewn about your yard, a snake could enter it. Snakes like to hide in piles of wood.

Snakes and rodents are attracted to messes, particularly food or animal feces. This indicates that, if you’re feeding your cat outside, for some reason, the food bowls should be cleaned and replaced on a regular basis. The same may also be said for bird feeders.

Rats and mice may enter your yard as a result of the rubbish, enticing snakes to hunt and consume them.

Install a perch pole

Perches may be used to attract hawks and owls into an area, which helps keep snake numbers in check. Poles should be visible from the yard and the neighboring territory so that the hawk or owl has a clear view of both.

Seal any cracks

To keep snakes out of your home, sidewalks, and foundations, fill gaps and fissures.

If you don’t want to do this work yourself, why not hire someone to conduct an energy audit on your home? The findings of an energy audit may indicate air gaps and fissures that allow cold air to escape the property – these same flaws and crevices can be used by snakes and other small animals.


Cats do scare snakes, and snakes will try to avoid cats if possible, but this doesn’t mean that you should rely on your house cat to be the main way of deterring snakes.

House cats can have different personalities just as snakes can have different personalities, and while in most cases the snake will fear the cat, snakes still pose a serious danger to cats and can harm or kill your cat, which is not a risk you should take at all.

So while it’s nice knowing that your cat can help keep the snakes away, you should know that it’s mainly your responsibility to protect your house and your family, including your cat, from snakes.

Related Questions

Can cats and snakes be friends?

Cats and snakes do not get along well. Snakes trigger the cat’s predatory instincts, and your cat will almost always be motivated to chase and hunt your pet snake.

If you are planning on keeping both a cat and a pet snake, you should do your best to keep the snake away from the cat, whether that’s by putting them in different parts of the house or by preventing the cat’s access to the room or area whether the snake it.

How do I protect your cat from snakes?

You should make your house unappealing to snakes, so make sure you don’t have quiet, humid, and warm places for them to hide. Keep your grass low, remove any trash or food from around the property, and keep items where snakes may hide under like wood piles away from the property.

If snakes are a hazard in your community, there are ways to protect your house from them. You can build a fence around your house that is completely snake-proof. You can use snake repellents, and you can make your walls slipper.

That last tip is to make sure your walls are un-climbable for snakes, snakes can only climb walls if they have gaps like brick walls do that they can grip, so keeping your walls smooth and high should help a lot.

Related Questions

How can I help protect my pets from snakes?

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