Do Pet Monkeys Bite? How to Train Your Monkey Not To Bite

Monkeys are a lot of fun. They do tricks, they can impress your friends, and they will definitely make your social interactions quite different.

But people forget that monkeys are not as trainable as dogs are and that no matter what you do, they will still be wild animals at the end of the day.

So, do pet monkeys bite?

Pet monkeys do bite. Although some monkeys are gentle, most monkeys will bite unexpectedly. Monkeys can bite out of anger, frustration, boredom, to show domination, or for no reason at all. Even the best-trained monkeys can bite anyone, including their owners, unexpectedly.

So, if you are planning on getting a pet monkey, you might want to get prepared for this. There is actually a lot more to the topic, and we are going to explain how to train your monkey to not bite and minimize this risk in the article, so stick around.

Why do pet monkeys bite?

monkey biting hand to show why do pet monkeys bite

All monkeys bite.

Monkeys can bite as a form of communication, to comfort themselves or each other (it’s like tickling for them), and as self-defense. The reasons why do pet monkeys bite are not much different than the ones that wild primates do.

Monkeys do bite people often when they are young because this behavior shows dominance over human parents. As the pet gets older though, he will learn that biting is not a good way to communicate.

Monkeys are often gentle as babies, but as they become sexually mature, they become more and more aggressive.

Monkeys turn aggressive around the age of sexual maturity, which is usually around five years old.

How do I train my monkey not to bite?

Do monkey bites hurt?

If you think that the fact monkeys bite is upsetting, get ready because it gets worse. Monkey bites hurt more because their teeth pierce through your skin, which causes more damage.

Monkeys do bite people all the time, and it is actually quite difficult to make them stop doing this. Even if your monkey trusts you completely, he can still get annoyed by something that you do or say inadvertently.

How to train your pet monkey not to bite?

If you are taking care of a monkey and do not want him to bite you, the best thing that you can do is to train your pet early on.

Training a wild animal takes time, so do not expect immediate results. Start with simple training exercises such as teaching your pet how to touch his nose or ears when you command it.

  • Get a leash or a collar that is made of nylon instead of leather as it’s less likely to hurt or irritate their skin. When wet, nylon shrinks less and is more durable.
  • Allow the young monkey to, with its leash freely dragging behind them, run about. This helps them get used to wearing it.
  • Ask your family to give the monkey some room. Monkeys are wary of humans by nature and are more likely to snap at people without warning than other pets.
  • Walk your monkey around your house or yard with the leash more than once per day. This helps them get used to the leash while inside and outside.
  • After the first time your pet monkey has been outside the cage, use food or treats to lure it back into the cage. This helps teach your pet that their home is their cage.
  • When your monkey bites you, and they will bite you, you should not react. Remain cool and do not become aggressive with it. Instead, get the monkey by the fur and skin at the back of its neck and calmly and firmly place them in their cage and lock it. This is the right method of disciplining monkeys.
  • The key to training your monkey to not bite you is to train them to be tamer in general and to get used to your touch and to you touching them and being close to them.
  • This should happen in stages. First you get the monkey to get used to your hand being around them.
  • Only then can you start touching them. With practice, you will be able to touch their face and even mouth without them snapping.

Reinforce this behavior often by giving your monkey treats and praising him. Monkeys do not get praised often, so the occasional “Good boy!” can be extremely beneficial for his behavior.

As you go on with this training process, try to do it when your pet is calm and happy (not after a play session or before going out). Keep in mind that your monkey will do it if he wants to, so you should not force him.

Here is a simple video explaining how to train your pet monkey not to bite you step-by-step:

What happens If a monkey bites you?

Monkey bites will hurt you, but this is not the worst thing about it, as a monkey bite can be dangerous as it can transmit diseases, and nasty ones too.

Monkeys can carry and transmit diseases like tuberculosis, hepatitis B, rabies, and herpes. Although you do not need to worry about these diseases if your monkey is vaccinated (just like with dogs) it can still happen in rare cases.

How to minimize the risks of monkey bites in the house?

Monkeys are dangerous, and accidents are always a possibility, but there are some things you can do to minimize the risks of these accidents happening your house.

It’s best if you do it as soon as possible before your pet starts acting out and biting.

First of all, do not let children play with the monkey unsupervised because they might provoke an aggressive reaction.

Secondly, do not do anything that might intimidate the monkey. Do not pose aggressively or stare at him because you will provoke an aggressive reaction. Never shake your finger in his face, do not scream at him, and do use caution when offering new objects to a pet monkey. Monkeys are naturally curious but they can also bite if they feel threatened.

Lastly, do not startle a monkey or do anything that might cause him to lose his focus and bite you by mistake.

If your pet is still young, do not let him play with other monkeys because this will only teach them bad habits and increase the chance of them biting later on.

What to do if a monkey bites you?

If your monkey bites you, you should immediately disinfect the wound. If you’re bleeding, work on stopping the bleeding as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, you also will need to head to the emergency room if the bite is too nasty. You will also need to get tested for diseases like Herpes B to make sure it was not transmitted to you by the monkey.


Do pet monkeys bite? They do, and the consequences of a wild animal’s unpredictable behavior can be devastating for both parties. You might want to consider that before getting into this responsibility with your life and health at stake!

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