Why Does My Snake Squeeze Me? Here’s What It Really Means

If you’ve ever had a snake as a pet, you know that they are very finicky animals. They can be difficult to handle and often refuse to eat or drink if their owner doesn’t do things just right.

Since snakes are difficult to understand, most of the time, new owners don’t know what their behavior means, and some behaviors seem to be completely out of the ordinary or have no meaning at all.

One of these behaviors is when snakes squeeze their owners when being handled, so I’ve gone ahead and asked a few friends and some experts on what it means, and here is the answer;

So, why does my snake squeeze me? Your Snake squeezes you because it wants to move, and by contracting and expanding its body, they move around, so they are not intentionally squeezing you and it really doesn’t mean anything significant.

I know this is kind of disappointing, but it’s just the truth. There is quite little to the meaning of it, and you don’t need to think much about it.

Unfortunately, some people will misinterpret this behavior and do some quite unfortunate things based on their understanding, so let’s explore all of this here…

Does Snake Squeezing mean affection?

snake squeezing owner hands to show why does my snake squeeze me

No, your snake squeezing you is not a sign of affection. Snakes usually don’t show affection, and when they do behavior somewhat affectionately towards their owners, it’s a lot more subtle than that.

Here are some of the ways snakes show affection: they may coil around their owner, rest their head on their owner’s arm or hand, or follow them around.

The next time you are around your snake, watch out for these three things:

  • The snake allows you to handle it.
  • The snake curls around your body in a loop starting from behind, also known as sneaking.
  • The snake allows you to pet it.

Snakes usually don’t like being touched, handled, or pet, so if they allow you to handle them quite comfortably, it’s probably a good sign that they like you.

You can learn more about how snakes show affection here.

Should you squeeze your snake to return the gesture?

You absolutely should not squeeze your snake.

Snakes are not like cats, dogs, or other animals that may enjoy physical affection and the human touch, and they certainly will not like being squeezed.

Your snake is likely to become very stressed out if you squeeze them since they do not understand why this is happening and it can cause some serious problems with your pet.

If you try to squeeze a snake, it’s very likely going to take it as aggression, and it will try to escape or bite in self-defense.

Should you hug your snake?

No, don’t hug your snake.

Snakes do not like to be hugged and it will cause them a lot of stress and discomfort if you try this with yours. Not only that but they can easily become frightened or defensive if they feel their owner is doing something wrong around them.

You should never force your pet to perform any act it doesn’t want to do, and this is why you should never hug your snake.

Snakes are very loving animals when they feel comfortable around their owner, which is why it’s important not to make them uncomfortable in the first place by hugging or squeezing them.

Does it mean my snake is going to bite?

No, your snake squeezing you does not necessarily mean they are going to bite either! Snakes can be quite defensive and their first line of defense when feeling threatened is usually the strike or the release of musk from special glands within its body.

Bites usually only occur when a snake feels its owner is doing something wrong, or if they feel they are in danger.

Does it mean my snake is going to eat me?

No, your snake squeezing you does not mean they are going to eat you either. Snakes do not usually see their owners as food and in fact, most pet snakes will see their owners are the larger predator.

Snakes eat by swallowing their prey whole, and your snake can tell that you are not going to be something it can swallow.

There is another common myth that snakes stare at their owners because they are thinking of eating them. That’s not true at all, but it’s true that some snakes will stare at their owners, and you can learn why snakes stare at you here.

How to show your snake you love it?

Now that we’ve discussed what you should not do, let’s discuss what you should do to show your snake affection. It’s important here to consider that you need to show your snake affection in the ways your snake understands, even if you don’t necessarily do.

Here is how to show your snake affection:

  • Provide a good enclosure to them with everything they are going to need.
  • Keep their routines consistent, feed them at regular intervals and handle them at the same times every day.
  • Handle them gently and with care.
  • Be patient with your snake. Snakes need time to get acquainted to their new environments and need even more time to get used to the idea of being around humans. So don’t rush things.
  • Provide your snake with good living conditions; good food, good veterinary care, and a good routine are all going to show your snake that it is in good hands.

The way to show your snake that you love it is by making its life the best life it could have. This will take time and effort, but if you are willing to work through some of the unique challenges of owning a pet snake, you are going to have a very pleasant, unique, and rewarding experience.

Related questions

Why is my snake squeezing my hand?

Your snake will squeeze your hand as it tries to move away. It doesn’t intend to squeeze your hand, it’s just that snakes move by contracting and expanding, and you may see that as squeezing. Your snake will also try to squeeze your hand as you try to move it away from your hands because it’s using your hand as an anchor and wants to stay put.

Why is my ball python constricting me?

Your Ball Python is not constricting you, it’s just attempting to feel safe and not fall. He’d do the same thing to a tree limb in the wild. If you ever have a snake that coils too tightly, grab his tail and unwind him from it.

Helpful Resources

Secrets of Snakes: The Science Beyond the Myths by David A. Steen

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