Are Glue Sticks Toxic to Dogs? What to do in Emergencies!

Dogs are curious creatures by nature and they often take interest in seemingly harmless items that are lying around at your home.

Glue sticks are one of the most popular kind of adhesive used in households so it’s very common for dogs to try to play with them and sometimes even eat them.

So, are glue sticks toxic to dogs? Glue sticks are not toxic to dogs because they’re made from harmless ingredients including PVA polymers and water. They do not emit any fumes when applied and they don’t contain acids so they won’t cause any damage if they come in contact with the dog’s skin. However, they can cause the dog some stomach problems if they’re ingested.

In this article, I’m going to explain what would happen if dogs eat glue sticks and what to prevent further harm.

What Are Glue Sticks?

glue sticks to answer are glue sticks toxic to dogs

Glue sticks are synthetic adhesives with solid wax-like consistency. They’re made from a combination of chemicals, basically.

Can Glue Sticks Be Harmful to Dogs?

Glue sticks can be harmful to dogs only if they’re ingested in large amounts. Other than that, they’re generally considered to be one the safest kinds of adhesives used in households because they’re made from completely non-toxic ingredients.

They are safe to inhale as they don’t emit any kind of harmful fumes when applied to a surface. They also won’t cause any damage if they come in contact with the dog’s skin as they don’t contain any acids.

What Will Happen If Dogs Eat Glue Sticks?

dogs will chew on everything, that’s not a surprise for anyone

If dogs eat glue sticks they will mostly suffer from irritation and inflammation in the stomach. Although glue sticks are not toxic, the dog’s bodies will reject and expel anything foreign.

The severity of the symptoms depends on the amount of glue the dogs have ingested.

If the dog ate a small amount of the glue, they are unlikely to swallow it and may experience no symptoms at all. It might cause them some discomfort if the glue remains stuck to their teeth or to the inside of their mouth.

However, if the dog ate large amounts of the glue, they will swallow which could cause blockage in their digestive tract and they will experience some symptoms including indigestion, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.

What to Do If Your Dog Swallowed a Glue Sticks?

If your dog has eaten a glue stick, there are some steps you need to take to assess the severity of the situation and ensure your dog is unharmed.

The first step is to try to take any remains of the glue stick that the dog hasn’t swallowed out of its mouth and have the dog drink some water. Make sure the dog can’t eat any more glue sticks by storing them out of reach of your dog.

If you can’t tell how much of the glue your dog has swallowed, you need to monitor the dog and look out for any symptoms.

If your dog starts experiencing symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, then it’s perfectly normal as its body is expelling the glue substance. However, if the symptoms get more severe, it’s highly recommended to contact a vet to get proper treatment for the dog.

Speaking of dangerous things your dog should not try to eat but will try to anyway, check out this article on why dogs eat snakes and what to do if this happens.

Related Questions

What Kind of Glue Can Be Dangerous to Dogs?

Super glue can be very dangerous to dogs. That is because this kind of glue contains cyanoacrylate which hardens when it comes in contact with moisture. If dogs ingest super glue, it will cause parts of their mouth and esophagus to seal shut leading them to chock. If it makes its way to their intestines or stomach, it might cause a blockage that can be fatal if not treated quickly with surgery.

Can A Glue Stick Get Stuck Inside the Dog’s Stomach?

The glue from the glue stick will not get stuck in the dog’s stomach, however, the plastic container might get stuck. If the dog eats the entire container of the glue stick, it can cause a blockage in their stomach leading to indigestion. Removing the glue stick container might require surgery.

Helpful Resources 

What is Glue? What is it made of?

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