Are Kangal Dogs Aggressive? The Truth About Kangals’ Aggression

Kangal dogs were first imported into the United States to serve as guard dogs for farmers to protect their livestock. However, they have grown in popularity more recently among dog owners looking for an all-around family dog.

This is why some questions were raised about the temperament of Kangals and whether they are aggressive by nature.

So, are Kangal dogs aggressive? Kangals dogs are not aggressive by nature. Their temperament mainly depends on how you are raising them. They are protective of their territory, so they might become aggressive if a stranger enters their space. However, with proper training, these dogs are highly unlikely to be aggressive towards their owners.

Keep reading to learn more about Kangal dogs and what makes them good as family pets.

What are the Characteristics of a Kangal Dog?

kangal chained on the ground to answer are kangal dogs aggressive

Kangal dogs are originally from Turkey. They were bred specifically to guard sheep and other livestock from predators like wolves and bears. You can check the full history of Kangals in this post on the relationship of Mastiffs and Kangals.

They are large, Mastiff-type dogs that weigh anywhere from 70 to 130 pounds. They have a thick coat of fur that comes in solid white, black, and brindle.

Despite their large size, these dogs are known to be agile and they love being active. They are also highly intelligent which makes it easier to train them.

Can Kangal Dogs Be Aggressive?

As mentioned earlier, Kangal dogs are not aggressive by nature. However, they can become aggressive if they feel their territory is being threatened. You can always count on the Kangal to attack any predators or intruders.

Since these dogs were originally bred to be guard dogs, they can be very protective of their family and property. They will bark loudly and sometimes even attack if they sense any danger nearby.

Do Kangal Dogs Make Good Pets?

Just like any breed of dog, Kangal dogs do make good pets when raised in the right environment and with proper training.

They can be the most loving and loyal companions for their owners and family members. They are also known to be very gentle and patient when playing with children.

If you decide to keep a Kangal as a pet, make sure you have enough space for them to roam as they are very active and will need to exercise often. Keeping kangals cooped in a small apartment might cause them to become depressed.

How to Train A Kangal Dog?

If you are interested in owning a Kangal dog, it is important that you are aware of how to properly train them. They are intelligent dogs which makes them easy to train but you will need to be patient and consistent.

To prevent them from becoming aggressive, Kangal dogs need to be socialized from a young age. This means you need to expose them to a wide variety of animals, environments, smells, sounds, and people.

Some of the basic commands that you will need to teach your Kangal dog are: sit, stay, come, and down. You will also need to establish yourself as the leader of the pack and make sure that your dog respects your authority.

In order to do this, you will need to be firm but fair when training your dog. Make sure that they are always rewarded for good behavior and are not punished harshly or excessively.

Related Questions

What Is the Average Life Expectancy of Kangal Dogs?

The average life expectancy of Kangal dogs is between 12 and 14 years. They are generally healthy but are susceptible to some health problems like hip dysplasia, cataracts, epilepsy, Von Willebrand disease (a blood clotting disorder), bloat (stomach bloating).

How Much Do Kangal Dogs Cost?

Kangal dogs are expensive to purchase. They are estimated to cost around $1500 for a purebred puppy, but you can get them at lower prices if they are crossbreeds or rescue pups with no papers. They are also more difficult to find in pet stores and usually need to be ordered online which can be costly.

How to Groom Kangal Dogs?

Kangal dogs are high maintenance when it comes to grooming. Their long coats are dense and they shed often which means you will need to brush them daily or even twice a day if your dog is really active. You should also make sure that their nails are trimmed regularly since Kangals are prone to arthritis due to having muscular front legs.

Helpful Resources

The Kangal Shepherd dog

The Turkish Kangal

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