Can You Have a Pet Monkey in Ontario?

Pets are a huge responsibility, and if you do not take them seriously they can cause all sorts of headaches.

Let’s start with the most important question;

Can you have a pet monkey in Ontario? It is legal to own a pet monkey as there is currently no provincial legislation regarding the regulation of ownership of exotic animals including monkeys, however, this can change in the recent future as there is a push towards more control on the exotic pets in Canada.

But before you rush to get one, there are, of course, some caveats to this. Let’s explore them together.

Can you have a pet monkey in Canada?

monkey on a leash to answer can you have a pet monkey in Ontario

In Canada, local and provincial laws regarding monkey and other exotic animal ownership are inconsistent. As of 2003, the Ontario Municipal Act gave municipalities the authority to pass exotic animal regulations. This implies that responsibility for exotic animal ownership falls to the provinces.

The lack of a standardized provincial policy leaves exotic animal ownership up to the discretion of individual municipalities.

If you are considering having a pet monkey, Canuck Place Children’s Hospice provides guidelines for those interested in owning an exotic animal as part of their Pets with Care program:

  • Only consider adopting or purchasing from reputable breeders.
  • Can you afford to properly care for the animal?
  • Can pet be cared for humanely and responsibly by an educated, experienced individual or family with no allergies in a safe environment?
  • Do not take on an exotic pet if it will cause neglect of your current pets (or children). If this becomes necessary, seek help.
  • Can you afford veterinary care?
  • Can you commit to lifelong ownership? Many babies become too large for their owners, and older pets often require special diets or medications as they age. When the animal becomes sick or terminally ill is it possible that your family can make humane decisions over euthanasia?

If you can answer all of these questions honestly, you can go ahead and start planning on where and when to get your pet monkey.

You probably don’t know how much it actually costs to care for a monkey, so make sure to check out my guide to the costs of getting and caring for a monkey here.

What exotic pets can you get legally in Ontario?

When most people consider getting a pet – a dog or a cat is usually the first animal that springs to mind. With that in mind, there are numerous creatures beyond the typical dog and cat that can be kept as pets in Canada.

You can’t get a monkey in most of Canada, but here are some exotic animals you can own as pets that are even more interesting than monkeys:


Do you want a furry pal? Capybaras are hamsters that grow to be as heavy as 170 pounds, bigger than an average dog. They originate from South America and may reach up to 170 pounds in size, larger than a medium dog. Non-toxic grass is required for them, as well.

Mini donkey

Consider adding a mini donkey to your family if you live in the countryside or have a spacious backyard. These animals require an open area for grazing and exercise, as well as salt licks and hay for maintenance. It’s also worth noting that they can live up to 25-35 years, making this animal as a pet a long-term commitment.

frequently, so if you live near people who dislike loud animal noises, the fennec fox may not be for you.


A hedgehog could just be the perfect exotic pet for you if you’re searching for a replacement for a hamster or guinea pig.

They need minimal care, just the basic feedings, and cage cleaning, and they spend the majority of their day sleeping since they are nocturnal.

What animals are banned in Ontario?

The following animals are prohibited in Ontario:

  • Some Anseriformers like Ducks, geese, and swans.
  • Flamingos
  • Penguins
  • Hyenas
  • Kangaroos and other Marsupials except for sugar gliders that have been derived from the their self-sustaining captive populations
  • Flightless ratites such as kiwis, emus, and other Struthioniformes
  • Hares and other Lagomorpha with the exception of domestic rabits
  • Tigers, cougars, and all other Felidae except for, of course, domestic cats
  • Minks, weasles, badgers, and all other Mustelidae with the exception of ferrets

and other obvious animals like bears, elephants, horses, and mules.

You can find the complete list of prohibited animals in Toronto on their official site here.


While you can’t get a monkey as a pet in most of Canada, Ontario is the exception and you can still own a monkey legally in Canada.

You can also own other exotic pets in Canada like capybara, sugar gliders, mini donkeys, fennec foxes, and hedgehogs.

These exotic pets may be the perfect replacement for your hamster or guinea pig if you’re looking for an animal that is low maintenance but still fun to play with, and they will cost you less time, effort, and money than monkeys.

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