Do You Need a License or Permit to Have a Pet Monkey?

Do you want a pet monkey? You might need to do some research before you make this decision. There are many different types of permits and licenses that can be required for owning a pet monkey, depending on where you live.

Let’s answer this question real quickly;

Do you need a license or permit to have a pet monkey? You do need a license or a permit to have a monkey in the states of  Arizona, Indiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Florida, Texas, and New York, but you don’t need a license in other states like the North and South Dakotas, Nebraska, Arkansas, North Carolina, Montana, Virginia, West Virginia, and Iowa – to name a few.

In the United States, there is no federal law against having a pet monkey as long as it’s not endangered or threatened. Some states do have restrictions on what type of monkeys they will allow people to own and which ones they won’t allow at all.

So, the kind of paperwork you will need to have a pet monkey will really depend on the state you’re living in. Let’s explore these options together.

Why do you need a license or permit for a monkey in some states?

monkey on a leash to show why do you need a license or a permit to have a pet monkey

You need a permit or a license for a monkey in states that consider monkeys as wild animals, such as Texas and New York. By the way, I have a full guide on exotic pets in NYC here that you should definitely check out.

A license or permit is required to have a pet monkey in states that do not allow the ownership of certain types of primates altogether. Permits are needed for monkeys like marmosets, tamarins, spider monkeys, squirrels, capuchin monkeys.

Finally, some states do not require a permit or license as long as you do not plan on breeding, selling, bartering, and trading the monkeys.

Do I need to do anything special before getting a pet monkey?

You should make sure that your state allows the possession of primates like chimpanzees and macaques (for example Florida does not allow anyone under 18 years of age to have a pet monkey).

Some states do not require any special permits or licenses for monkeys, but some might if you plan on breeding them.

In terms of owning a monkey that is endangered and protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), it will be unlawful for you to get one.

You can learn about the laws of each state on owning a pet monkey in my guide on where can you have a pet monkey in the US here.

Who can get a permit for a pet monkey?

Only certified professionals such as vets, animal scientists, zookeepers, and animal trainers that work in research or the entertainment industry are allowed to obtain a permit to get a pet monkey.

Can you legally own a monkey?

You can legally own a monkey in the states where you are allowed to own a monkey, In 19 states, including:

  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • West Virginia
  • North Dakota
  • Nebraska
  • Kansas
  • Missouri
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Ohio
  • Washington State
  • Illinois
  • Iowa
  • Arkansas
  • Alabama

You can learn everything about the legal requirements to own a pet monkey here.

How much does a legal monkey cost?

A Monkey sold legally can cost you anything from $1,500 to $60,000 or more.

The cost of a pet monkey will depend on the type of primate, its age, where you are located in the United States and how much experience do you have with owning monkeys.

You can learn more about the prices of pet monkeys in my post on the best monkey breeds as pets here.

Where do you buy a monkey?

You can buy a baby monkey from breeders and dealers, but when it is no longer considered to be an infant, the seller will have to register your primate with your state wildlife agency in order for them to remain legal.

Do you need a permit to own a pet monkey in the UK?

You do not need a permit for a pet monkey in the UK. Monkeys are perfectly legal in the UK, and you do not need to do anything special before getting one. You can learn everything about owning a pet monkey in the UK here.

Do you need a permit for a Monkey in Ireland?

You do not need to do any special paperwork when getting a pet monkey in Ireland. You do need to be aware of the laws that govern keeping exotic pets though, so you can learn more about them in my post on owning a pet monkey in Ireland here.

Do you need a permit for a pet monkey in Australia?

In Australia, it is completely illegal to own a pet monkey, that’s because monkeys are a threat to the wildlife of Australia and can easily become an invasive species if they are brought in the country and find their way to the wild somehow.


A license or permit is required to possess a monkey in the states of Arizona, Indiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Florida, Texas, and New York, but none is necessary in Washington state, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas. In terms of licensing and permits for chimps, you’ll need one if you live in California; however, in Pennsylvania, you do not need one to keep a chimpanzee.

The more important question is actually whether getting a pet monkey is even a good idea, and it is not. Owning a pet monkey is a bad idea because they are wild animals, and they do not make good pets. They can be extremely dangerous to keep in a home environment especially with no experience of handling them. Their natural behaviors do not translate well into being a domesticated pet either so it is best you leave the monkey business alone.

I hope this gives you the information that you were looking for if yes then please pin and share!

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