What Can a Pet Monkey Eat? A Guide to Pet Monkeys Diet + Foods to Avoid

A pet monkey is a fascinating creature. They are intelligent, fun to watch, and can be very entertaining for kids. But what do you feed them?

This is a very important question to answer, and one that can make a big difference in not only your monkey’s health, but also on how long they will be able to live and how much are you going to spend on them every week.

So, what can a pet monkey eat?

Monkeys absolutely love eating fruits like bananas, grapes, apples, papayas, and berries. They also enjoy vegetables such as lettuce leaves, carrots, and celery sticks. Additionally, they’ll eat things like seeds (like sunflower), potatoes, peanuts (not too often – they are high in fat), and many other foods.

There is a lot more to it, of course, and in this blog post will give you the foods that your pet monkey would absolutely love!

What to feed your monkey?

monkey eating corn to show what can a pet monkey eat

The best advice is to try to feed your monkey a diet that is as close as possible to the diet they would have in the wild. This basically means fruit and veggies, but you can also feed them monkey biscuits and other commercial monkey food – similar to feeding your dog dry and wet foods.

These foods should contain the right balance of nutrients to fulfill your monkey’s needs. Sliced fruit and steamed veggies will also be appreciated by your Monkey.

You can also feed your pet monkey:

  • Mealworms
  • Grasshoppers
  • Cooked chicken (without spices).
  • yogurt
  • Rice
  • Hard-boiled eggs,,
  • Grain
  • Nuts

There are also some foods that your Monkey should never eat:

  • Baked goods
  • Fast foods
  • Ice Cream
  • Uncooked meats

Monkeys also require extra vitamins to meet the nutritional needs of their species. Depending on the kind of monkey you have, you may also need to give him additional nutrients, for example, vitamin D to compensate for the lack of sunshine for monkeys that don’t get much of it.

Make sure to consult with your vet if you have one, and find one that works with monkeys if you don’t have one already.

But know that there is one thing for sure; feeding a monkey is more expensive than most normal pets – like dogs or cats. You can learn how much you are going to spend on your monkey’s diet in this post where I break down all the costs of owning a pet monkey.

Can you give monkeys treats?

You can give monkeys treats, and treats are used for training monkeys using the same methods you would use with a dog. Peanuts, grapes, apple slices, and other snacks are all healthy treats for a monkey.

When you offer your monkey a treat, say his name so he’ll learn it. Give him a treat and praise him when he responds. Show him how to act by demonstrating how to do something. Start hopping around while saying “dance.” If you tell him “dance,” start dancing while jumping, for example, so he could imitate you when you repeat the command to them later.

How many meals do monkeys need?

Monkeys should eat three meals a day. Prepare their food in advance, and keep it fresh. For example, you can mix vegetables with monkey biscuits to make it tastier for your pet. Monkeys are creatures of habit – what they eat every day is what they will expect every day.

What Should Pet Monkeys not eat?

Do not feed them with junk foods such as burgers or pizza because these kinds of food contain high amount of fat.

Do not feed monkeys what you are eating for dinner; it is best to make two separate meals – one monkey’s meal, and one human food.

If you give the monkey any sugary processed food, they will become hyperactive, violently aggressive, and certain to attack.

What foods are poisonous to monkeys?

Devil’s Trumpet or Angel’s Trumpet is poisonous to both livestock and monkeys. Organophosphates are hazardous to animals, while Organochlorine DDT is not.

How many bananas do monkeys eat per day?

Monkeys do not eat many bananas in the wild, but if they have access, monkeys will eat five bananas a day.

Scientists found evidence that there is a clear relationship between the size of the monkey and their eating habits.

Small monkeys, like tamarins and marmosets, were found to prefer insects over fruits as youngsters, but as monkeys grow in size and their calorie needs grow with this size, they will start to prefer more greenery, and some species of monkey were to consume between 45 to 50 different types of fruits every day.

While most people think that monkeys only eat bananas, they actually don’t. In fact, monkeys prefer other fruit like Puteria and Brosium which are more popular in their wild habitat.

As they grow older, Monkeys start to prefer greenery over fruit as they can provide them with more nutrition.

What about water?

Monkeys get most of the moisture that they need from eating fresh fruits and veggies, but you should always make sure to provide plenty of clean drinking water for them as well.

You can get a water fountain – similar to the ones you get for dogs and cats – so the monkey can have access to fresh water at all times, which is crucial if you live in a hot area.


Monkeys need three meals a day with fresh water access at all times. Monkeys love fruits, but they are actually omnivores, which means they can eat both meat and plant-based foods. Monkeys can eat meats in the form of bird’s eggs, insects, spiders, and even small lizards.

Related Questions

Can Monkeys eat fish?

Monkeys can eat fish, but it’s not part of their regular diet. Almost all monkeys and apes (except leaf-eaters) eat fruit, nuts, leaves, insects, and in some cases, the odd bird or lizard snack. The ability to consume sugary fruit, leaves, and meat is common among primates.

Do Monkeys eat meat?

All types of monkeys eat meat, in the form of insects and spiders.

Monkeys can eat what they find that is already dead – for example, if a monkey stumbles upon roadkill or something like that – but you cannot just give your pet monkey any kind of food.

Do Monkeys eat birds?

Monkeys can eat small birds, but they are not part of the typical primate diet.

Monkeys can eat what is around them, including fruit and other plants as well as insects, eggs, lizards, etc. Most primates have a very wide range of diets – from what humans consider vegan to what we would call carnivorous.

Do Monkeys eat bugs?

Monkeys do eat bugs. Some monkeys hunt insects, while others scavenge what they find. The diets of primates vary depending on what is available in their habitat and what time of year it is. However, most primate species are omnivores that eat fruits, leaves, nuts or seeds as well as insects, spiders and even small lizards at times.

Helpful Resources

Useful monkey facts

The myths of monkeys and bananas

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