What If a Snake Bites Another Snake? (3 Cases Explained)

Snakes are known for being fierce predators that have a reputation of being dangerous to humans. However, what would happen if a snake bit another snake?

This is a very good question, especially if you have heard that some snake species can eat other snakes (which is true) and that some snakes will kill other snakes for many reasons.

So, what if a snake bites another snake? If a venomous snake bites another venomous snake from the same species, nothing will happen to either snake as snakes are immune from the venom their species produce, however, if a venomous snake bites a snake of another species, the bitten snake can suffer from their venom or even die.

Some people think that snakes will not fight each other since they are very solitary creatures and don’t have any social hierarchy, but snakes do bite each other, especially when fighting for a mate.

In this article, I’m going to do my best to answer your questions about why snakes bite each other, what happens when they do, and why are snakes safe from their own venom (and why this is actually important to know, especially if you own or are planning to own a pet snake, so stick around as I answer all your questions and more.

Do snakes bite each other?

snake biting snake to show what if a snake bites another snake

Yes, snakes bite each other , and there are many reasons why they do. Snakes will bite each other when fighting for a mate, to defend their territory, or when they feel threatened.

Do snakes kill each other?

Sometimes snakes kill each other, but it’s not common. Most of the time when two snakes fight, one snake will eventually retreat. However, if a venomous snake bites another snake of another species, it can actually kill it.

This is not new, and it’s the same as with every other animal on the planet, whether it’s injecting venom into your opponent or talking badly about the other men your know the girl you like is interested in, finding a mate is a competitive and often a dirty game.

Why do snakes bite each other?

There are many reasons why snakes might bite each other, but the three main reasons are when they are fighting for a mate, defending their territory, or when they feel threatened.

Can snakes eat other snakes?

Yes, snakes can and do eat other snakes. In the wild, they will eat smaller snakes as prey, but there are also species of snake that will cannibalize their own kind.

Why are snakes immune to their own venom?

It makes sense that snakes can’t die from their own venom, but not really. I mean, it’s still venom, so why won’t they die from it. Well, there are two reason for this actually.

The first is that snakes store their venom in glands that keep their venom away from their blood, so while the snake’s venom is inside it’s body, it’s contained. Similar to how the petrol in the car can burn the car down, but since we keep it contained well in the tank, it doesn’t harm anything.

The other reason snakes are safe from their own venom is pretty straightforward, their bodies are capable of producing an antidote to their own venom. This explains why a snake won’t die if it gets bitten by a snake of the same species.

What happens when a snake bites another snake?

What will happen when a snake bites another snake will depend on the species of both snakes:

  • If both are venomous snakes but from the same species; nothing will happen, probably.
  • If both are venomous snakes but from different species; the bitten snake can die from the bite if injected with enough venom.
  • If neither are venomous, the bitten snake can suffer trauma and blood loss, and the consequences of the bite will depend on how strong the bite was.

Can a snake die from a snake bite?

Snakes can indeed die from snake bites, whether it’s due to the venom (in case it was the bite of a snake from a different species) or because of the blood loss and trauma caused by the bite.

In fact, a snake can die from its own bite, which is kind of fascinating, especially when you know that snakes will bite themselves to death intentionally sometimes. You can learn why would a snake bite itself to death here.


So, what happens when a snake bites another snake? It really depends on the species of both snakes and what kind of venom they are carrying. However, in most cases, if both snakes are venomous, the bitten snake will probably die from the bite.

Remember; if you see a snake in your yard or your house, contact a professional and don’t try to kill the snake yourself. Snakes can bite even after they are decapitated or killed, so for your safety, keep your distance and call a professional to deal with it.

Related Questions

Would a venomous snake die if it bit itself?

A venomous snake is unlikely to die if it bit itself because snakes have natural resistance to their own venom, however, any snake can die from its own bite due to blood loss or the trauma of the bite. Snakes sometimes bite themselves when they mistake their own tails for the other snakes.

Do Venomous snakes attack each other

Venomous snakes do attack each other for various reasons including fighting for a mate, for a prey, or for territory. However, venomous snakes from the same species will not die from their bites and a venomous snake can only die from the venom of another species. Snakes rarely attack each other in the wild, though, and a snake will retreat rather than fight another snake most of the time, especially if the attacking snake is larger or more dangerous.

Helpful Resources

Snake Bites

Brown tree snake found dead biting its neck

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