Where Does a Pet Monkey Sleep? [All Questions Answered]

Keeping a pet monkey is unlike keeping a dog or a cat, where you have a lot of experience to prepare for. Monkeys are more complex creatures, where they can be difficult to take care of and maintain as pets.

One of the more important questions you will have when considering a pet monkey is where they should sleep and where they should stay, so let’s start by answering these.

Where does a pet monkey sleep?

Your pet monkey should sleep in his own bed, preferably indoors. Monkeys are typically kept in an outdoor cage where they can play and climb, but it is better to keep them indoors if it’s cold where you live or if there are predators nearby. 

Providing shelter that is both comfortable and safe for your monkey is not only crucial for the monkey’s health and safety as well as yours, it’s also legally required and can put you in trouble in some states and countries.

So, let’s answer all your questions about where you should keep your pet monkey and where they should sleep.

Where should a pet monkey sleep?

sleeping monkey to answer where does a pet monkey sleep

Your pet monkey should sleep in his or her own bed, which is best if it’s indoors. Monkeys are most often kept in an outdoor cage where they may run about and climb, but if the weather is cold where you live or there are predators nearby, then it’s preferable to keep them inside.

In the wild, monkeys spend their time swinging between trees, which is not something they can really do at home, even if their enclosures are quite large.

This is one of the main points that people mention when talking about the cruelty of keeping monkeys as pets; unless you have a forest in your backyard, you can never give your monkey a large enough space to be as free and happy as they would be in the wild.

You should also make sure it’s protected from outside predators. For example, if you live in the US, Coyotes may be a bigger problem, so you maybe want to consider getting a guard dog to defend your property against the coyotes.

Where can you keep monkeys as pets?

You can keep monkeys as pets in:

  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • West Virginia
  • North Dakota
  • Nebraska
  • Kansas
  • Missouri
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Ohio
  • Washington State
  • Illinois
  • Iowa
  • Arkansas
  • Alabama

You can learn more about where you can and can’t have a pet monkey legally in the US here.

Can a Monkey live in the house?

Monkeys can live in a house, and the smaller the monkey and the larger the house will be better.

Monkeys require a big, secure area that might be costly to build. If at all feasible, they should be allowed to spend time outdoors. They must also have a wide range of ever-changing toys and activity equipment available to keep them interested.

Monkeys are also social animals and need to be with their human family where possible.

How long do monkeys sleep?

Monkeys sleep an average of 9.5 hours a day sleeping, with some species sleeping up to 20 hours a day. Monkeys sleep a lot, especially compared to humans, so you want them where they can’t get into trouble while you’re not around. A lot of people like to keep pet primates in the bedroom that way they will always be there when it’s time to sleep.

Monkeys need a lot of rest, so it’s important that they have a safe sleeping area where you can leave them while you’re away and know that they’ll be there when it’s time for bed or in case an emergency happens that requires your immediate attention.

You should also make sure the bedroom where you keep your pet monkey has plenty of ventilation and is located where they can’t get to dangerous items such as electrical cords or other things that might harm them.

Do Monkeys sleep at night?

Almost all monkey species sleep during the night and are active during the day. Monkeys sleep through the night for the reason humans do, because it’s safer and more comfortable.

Related Questions

How long do Capuchin Monkeys sleep?

Capuchin Monkeys sleep for nine to ten hours a day. During the day, they sleep on the tree branches and are hence also known as sluggish monkeys.

How long do Squirrel Monkeys sleep?

Squirrel monkeys usually sleep for eight or more hours in the wild and about twelve per night in captivity, where they also take naps during the day.

What time do Monkeys wake up?

Monkey’s most active times are from dawn until about 11 a.m., where they will eat, play and socialize with one another.

In the afternoon, monkeys typically become less active again until late evening where their activity is at its highest, before resting for a few hours just before sunrise where it starts all over again.

Can Monkeys talk?

Monkeys can’t talk, but they are very intelligent and most can learn sign language.

What can I feed my monkey?

Monkeys are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. Monkeys tend to be very picky about what you give them to eat, but here is a list of some foods that monkeys love:

  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Melons
  • Grapes
  • Pineapples
  • Peaches
  • Strawberries
  • Plums
  • Tomatoes
  • Tangerines
  • Corn
  • Pine
  • nuts
  • Olives
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Liver
  • Bread.

Is it safe to have a pet monkey?

It is safe to have a pet monkey, but it can be very expensive and require a lot of time to make it as safe as possible, and it still would not be as safe as having a dog or a cat.

Monkeys need an owner that will be patient, take them where they want to go, give them plenty of socialization with people other than themselves.

Monkey ownership also requires you to keep the animal healthy by taking it where it can receive vaccinations and have regular checkups by a veterinarian.

One of the biggest problems with owning any animal is where you’re going to keep it when you are not home.

Helpful Resources

Do Monkeys sleep at night?

Humans sleep very little compared to other primates

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