Why Is My Snake Sleeping Next to Me?

Have you ever been handling your snake or letting it roam freely and found it ending up sleeping next to you? You are not alone, and this will happen more often than you think.

But why does it happen? Some people believe it’s because they love you, and others believe it’s so they can measure you to eat you (no, seriously), but the truth is that neither of these is actually true.

So, why is my snake sleeping next to me? Your Snake is sleeping next to you because it wants to get warmer and it has identified your body as a heat source and have gotten used to your presence and knows that you are not a threat. Your snake is not measuring you to eat you and it doesn’t love you either, it just wants to get warmer.

However, this leaves us with a whole plethora of other questions; should you even let your snake sleep next to you? when is it okay (and not okay) to let your snake be close to you? how do you even know if your snake is sleeping.

Keep reading as I answer all of these questions;

Why is my snake sleeping next to me?

snake on carpet to answer why does my snake sleep next to me

As explained earlier, your snake is sleeping next to you only because it has identified your body as a source of heat and wants to get some of that heat radiating off of you.

This will only happen when your snake:

  • Has been conditioned to tolerate your handling
  • Has been around you enough to trust you even while it’s asleep
  • Has been in the same house or room long enough to know the surroundings and trust there is no risk laying around
  • Has identified your body as a heat source
  • Needs some heat

There are, however, some very funny misinterpretations of why a snake may be sleeping next to you, so let’s get to those.

Debunking the myths of why your snake may sleep next to you

Here are the myths that are way more common than they ever has the right to be:

The snake is sizing you up to eat you

No, snakes aren’t trying to eat you. Snakes have no capacity to execute such a feat. The idea of a snake attempting to measure its owner is merely a myth propagated by those who are ignorant about these animals.

You are also not on its menu. To begin with, it can’t consume you. Snakes swallow their prey whole and may accommodate larger objects than themselves; nevertheless, you are far too big for your tiny ball python on boa to handle.

Snakes do not maim or cut their prey to pieces like humans do, so you don’t have to worry about your snake eating you. You can learn more about this particular myth in my guide to why do snakes lay straight next to you.

Your Snake is showing you it loves you

Your snake is not trying to be close to you to show you affection. That’s not how snakes show affection. You can learn how do snakes show affection here.

Snakes can’t express love in the way we comprehend it because they are unable to feel love, but a snake will offer you acceptance by allowing you to handle them, snaking around your body from the rear and allowing you to pet them.

How to know your snake is asleep

It can be difficult to know whether your snake is sleeping or not since snakes don’t have eyelids and can’t close their eyes, so they will sleep with both eyes fully open. Don’t worry, though, snakes can still sleep just fine.

But how to know that your snake really is asleep?

A Sleeping snake will remain perfectly still for as long as it’s sleeping. Snakes do not roll on their sides as humans do, so they will stay as still as a statue. However, this is also what they do when they are hunting.

Should you let your snake sleep next to you?

If you are conscious and in control of your snake, you can let it sleep beside you or anywhere it likes.

However, if you are sleeping, then no, you can’t let your snake sleep with you on the same bed, and you can’t let your snake be out of its enclosure at all if you are asleep or even not paying them full attention.

There are many risks for letting your snake share the bed with you, and you will actually be putting the snake in danger in a number of different ways. You can learn why you shouldn’t let your snake sleep with you on the bed at night here.

How many hours do snakes sleep?

Different snakes sleep differently. Some ball pythons, for example, only sleep for a couple of hours at times and sleep for 18 hours at different times. Other snakes will sleep around the range of 12-20 hours every day as well.

So, yeah, your snake will spend at least half of its day or more sleeping.

Do Snakes yawn?

Snakes yawn to prepare themselves for a big meal, particularly when their prey is much bigger than their own head! Snakes use yawning to expand their jaws incredibly wide—to the point that it might be said that they are “unbelievably” expanding them.

Snakes do not unsheathe their jaws, contrary to popular belief. Rather, the lower jaw is separated in the middle and fastened by ligaments, allowing one side to move independently of the other. This allows snakes to gradually transport their dinner down into their bodies over a period of several weeks while still keeping it alive!


Your snake is sleeping next to you to get warm, nothing more and nothing less.

Your snake is not trying to measure you, kill you or eat you. They may be showing you acceptance by allowing you to handle them and letting them sleep next to you. Different snakes sleep differently with an average of 12 hours of sleep per day.

Helpful Resources

Secrets of Snakes: The Science Beyond the Myths by David A. Steen

Sized Up By a Snake: Debunking a Popular Urban Legend

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